Introducing the HyNetics Single-Use Mixing System

September 21, 2009

Holland is now offering the HyNetics ™ Single Use Mixing SytemsHyNetics ™ Corporation SAIC-Portable-750L---3-small_uid7232009420282is the pioneer in large-scale single-use process systems. The patented HyNetics™ Single Use Mixing system is offered in eight sizes from 30 to 10,000 liters nominal mixing capacity. All of the process contact surfaces are disposable. The unique vertical mixing action utilizes a slotted disc with flaps to push fluid down to the bottom of the holding vessel and up the sides in a one way flow. The dynamics are superior to conventional mixing. Media and buffer hydration times are greatly reduced when compared to a conventional impeller. The vertical mixing action excels at maintaining particle suspension. The mixing action is variable speed to minimize shear.